Computer Noes In Tamil Pdf
The software is the instructions that makes the computer work. Software is held either on your computers hard disk, CD-ROM. DVD or on a diskette (floppy disk) and is loaded (i.e. Copied) from the disk into the computers RAM (Random Access Memory), as and when required.
Computer, Technology, Internet, Mobile Know hows in simple Tamil. Tamil Computer is the first vernacular magazine on Computers and Technology.
Tamil Computer ushered in a new era for technology coverage in the Tamil print media. Readers who were more comfortable with Tamil than English were happy to read about Computing in their mother tongue as it offered them the opportunity to understand computers lot better than they would have otherwise. The simple motive behind Tamil Computer is to present the Tamil reader with all the game-changing improvements in the world of Computing and Technology in simple and lucid Tamil. Tamil Computer was presented with the 'Best Technology Magazine' award for the year 1999 by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
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