How To Get A Fake Electrical License
Electrician Licensing Forms - you can and also Forms:. These forms are available for download in Adobe Acrobat.pdf format.
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TX T LLC in Houston, Texas said: Have clients but no license? Have work in another state but no license? Get YOUR company licensed within a short period of time. Contact TX T Electrical Consulting LLC TODAY!! We have the experience and acumen that is matched by NO OTHER ' ' in the nation,period!
How To Get A Fake Electrical License In Ny

Some states do not have a license classification for journeyman or master electricians. Some states have multiple specialty journeyman, master electrician, and/or electrical contractor licenses, each with a unique set of requirements. Some states have reciprocal electrician licenses, which facilitate working across state lines. Any plumber or plumbing contracts needs to get a license before they are able to do any work in Illinois. In order to obtain a license, plumbers will need to pass their Plumbing License Exam, which will cover topics such as drainage systems, administrative procedures, vents & venting, fixtures, etc. The Illinois Department of Public. View Article The post How to Get a Plumbing License in.
Stop dealing with single ended Masters,Qulifying agents,Qualifying party etc. We are a professional service that assists you getting licensed or pulling permits in any state you need!! Affordable and dependable!! I looked up this 'LLC' on the Texas SOS site, NO RECORD, Looked on for this company, NO RECORD. Fishy to me if you are using a fake LLC name, and have no website or phone number listed anywhere. So you claim to have the experience and business acumen than is matched by NO OTHER electrician, I'd have to beg to differ there. I've taken and proved my 'business acumen' on numerous State Business and exams, some very challenging.
I've got a Bachelor's BSAS, and I'm licensed after taking multiple exams, in over 18 different states. How do you measure your Acumen being better than mine? We are license by the Texas secretary of state. If you'd like here is the link. Feel free to enter our name once taken to the site. Your search was not thorough enough or you don't know how to use the SOS site correctly. I apologize for the internet being so difficult for you.
But do not fear, we have made it easy for you to now verify our public information. Simply copy and paste the link above. The owner is a master too, in many states. He often says in his conferences that if you hold a license in one state by taking an exam. You can take and pass ANY states exams. So beating your chest that you have '18' states means nothing.
But congrats on that by the way. The owner too holds a Bachelors Degree in with a concentration in Power and a minor in Wind and Mathematics. He has over 20 years of field experience and received team building and project management awards from NASA in 2012. He is partnered with several Electrical contracting companies and Engineering firms across the country. You are correct that we have no website yet, but are in the process of this as we speak.
This just kicked off this year. So it will take time to gain traction with the algorithm. But make no mistake about it, we ARE real and WILL continue to serve those who need licensing and would like to deal with seasoned professionals. Have a good day! Let it be known that any license is not rented for a 'month'.
That license stays on file as the person responsible for the LIFE of the liability on whatever jobs are under that license. Do not mistake that fact or underestimate that fact.
This is why California has a dedicated team to crack down on the very thing most are doing in this forum.which is renting and not seeing or being involved with the day-to-day operations on the jobs they are licensing for. Don't be surprised if many states follow this trend. I have a Master license and an Contractors license for the state of Texas, and I am also certified to install solar. If anyone is interested in working together on a project or has an electrical job, but no license to pursue it, I would be willing to work out some kind of deal so that we can both benefit.
If you are interested, you can contact me at Thank you, Mark P.S. I live in the state of Texas and can help you in many other ways. I can be on the jobsite when needed, and I have many contacts all over Texas. So if you are in need state licensed and documented journeymen electricians to work on your jobs and that can travel all over in the state of Texas, or just need contacts in other areas such as companies that install alarms,other subs,etc., or whatever the need may be, just give me a call and lets see if we will be a benefit to each other and your customers. I have a Master license and an Contractors license for the state of Texas, and I am also certified to install solar. If anyone is interested in working together on a project or has an electrical job, but no license to pursue it, I would be willing to work out some kind of deal so that we can both benefit.
If you are interested, you can contact me at Thank you, Mark P.S. I live in the state of Texas and can help you in many other ways. I can be on the jobsite when needed, and I have many contacts all over Texas. So if you are in need state licensed and documented journeymen electricians to work on your jobs and that can travel all over in the state of Texas, or just need contacts in other areas such as companies that install alarms,other subs,etc., or whatever the need may be, just give me a call and lets see if we will be a benefit to each other and your customers.
I have a Master license and an Contractors license for the state of Texas, and I am also certified to install solar. If anyone is interested in working together on a project or has an electrical job, but no license to pursue it, I would be willing to work out some kind of deal so that we can both benefit.
If you are interested, you can contact me at Thank you, Mark P.S. I live in the state of Texas and can help you in many other ways.
I can be on the jobsite when needed, and I have many contacts all over Texas. So if you are in need state licensed and documented journeymen electricians to work on your jobs and that can travel all over in the state of Texas, or just need contacts in other areas such as companies that install alarms,other subs,etc., or whatever the need may be, just give me a call and lets see if we will be a benefit to each other and your customers. I have a Master license and an Contractors license for the state of Texas, and I am also certified to install solar. If anyone is interested in working together on a project or has an electrical job, but no license to pursue it, I would be willing to work out some kind of deal so that we can both benefit.
How Do I Get My Electrical License
If you are interested, you can contact me at Thank you, Mark P.S. I live in the state of Texas and can help you in many other ways. I can be on the jobsite when needed, and I have many contacts all over Texas. So if you are in need state licensed and documented journeymen electricians to work on your jobs and that can travel all over in the state of Texas, or just need contacts in other areas such as companies that install alarms,other subs,etc., or whatever the need may be, just give me a call and lets see if we will be a benefit to each other and your customers.