Radius Test Tool Windows
It's always good to test a RADIUS server with a client simulator program during the configuration and troubleshooting of a RADIUS server — whether you're using NPS or IAS on a Windows Server or another AAA server. And while most RADIUS servers come with their own testing tool, it's always good to have choices, especially when several quality free alternatives are available. These RADIUS test server tools can help you check the initial configuration of the server and can also be used after making changes to the configuration settings, allowing you to quickly and efficiently experiment with varying client configurations. You might also want a RADIUS test monitoring application if you don't have some other network monitoring solution in place. Here are five RADIUS server testing and monitoring tools, all completely free. Depending on your firewall configuration, you may have to open up UDP ports 1645 and 1646 or 1812 and 1813, depending on which set of ports your server uses. NTRadPing is a free RADIUS client program offered by, an Italian software firm and developer of the DialWays server.
NTRadPing is available for Windows as a standalone or portable program that doesn't require installation. It sends packets and displays the replies on the GUI. You can select preconfigured packet types and attributes, or define your own custom ones. You can quickly input sever, user, packet and attribute details on the NTRadPing GUI. The RADIUS dictionary is defined in an included file and can be customized with vendor specific attributes as needed. Once everything is set, hit send and you'll see any replies.
You can easily save all the settings and load them at a later time. NTRadPing even has a Help button that provides pertinent info.
Feb 16, 2016 - It's always good to test a RADIUS server with a client simulator program during the configuration and troubleshooting of a RADIUS server — whether you're using NPS or IAS on a Windows Server or another AAA server. And while most RADIUS servers come with their own testing tool, it's always good to. Dec 1, 2017 - Download RADIUS test client for free. RADIUS test client is an easy to use tool to simulate, debug and monitor most RADIUS and Network Access Servers (NAS).
Radlogin from IEA Software is offered free by, developer of the RadiusNT and RadiusX servers. Radlogin can run on Windows, FreeBSD, Sparc Solaris and Linux platforms.
As with other free RADIUS server testing tools, Radlogin can send basic authentication, accounting and disconnect requests. At the same time, it's more advanced than the other programs we've discussed so far.
You can send RADIUS queries from the command line, from a web-based interface or via the web service API. The Radlogin dictionary supports more than 70 vendors. It even validates the RADIUS packet decodes. Status and reply details are displayed and stored for later reference. Radlogin can also be used for load testing and even as an automated pinging and monitoring solution with uptime statistics and email/SMS alerts.
You'll find a comprehensive configuration and user PDF manual included with Radlogin download. RadPerf is provided free by, a FreeRADIUS consulting company headed by one of its founders, Alan DeKok. RadPerf is a command-based client program designed specifically for load-testing RADIUS servers to see if they're production-ready. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. You can load into RadPerf a list of users and passwords in a CSV file, so it can generate the authentication and accounting packets at your desired rate. It can also help simulate pikes in traffic, long-lived user sessions and end-to-end user behavior.
After testing, RadPerf provides a report comparing the offered and accepted load, and also returns the total accepted packets per second. RADIUS Test Rig Utility is a free RADIUS client utility provided by, an enterprise networking vendor.
Freeradius Test Tool Windows
It is also known simply as RadiusTest. Editors note: The RadiusTest from Juniper Networks is not to be confused with the $29.95 shareware suite of Radius testing tools from RadUtils, which is a great option if you're willing to spend a bit more than the freeware RADIUS server testing options. RadUtils does offer a 15-day evaluation trial period for Radius Test. Back to Juniper Networks' RADIUS testing tool, the RADIUS Test Rig Utility runs on Windows as a portable program that doesn't require installation. However, it is limited to only sending packets for authentication and accounting (PAP and CHAP). You input all the settings via both the configuration file and GUI. Radius Test's RADIUS server dictionary is loaded with the popular vendor attributes and can be customized if needed.
After hitting Execute, you'll see the status and elapsed time for each packet. You'll also see a run-down of the overall testing statistics. Plus, you can press the Details button to view status details and packets sent and received.
Contents. Overview How to test RADIUS authentication.
A successful RADIUS authentication should display a Swivel log message such as: RADIUS: Access-Accept(2) LEN=57:12004 Access-Request by succeeded Successful RADIUS authentication An incorrectly entered One Time Code for RADIUS authentication should display a Swivel log message such as: RADIUS: Access-Request(1) LEN=57:12004 Access-Request by Failed: AccessRejectException: For further information on RADIUS see Prerequisites RADIUS test tool such as NTRadPing Tool built into authentication device. Nc command from the command line Symptoms Authentication device is not communicating with the Swivel RADIUS server. RADIUS request is sent from Access Device, but does not reach the Swivel server. RADIUS request is sent from Access Device, and reaches the network interface but does not reach the Swivel application.
Check RADIUS is running on the Swivel server. The Swivel log should show a message of RADIUS server manager started. If not look for other log messages. Check Network communication, can the Swivel server receive a ping from the authentication device (Note it is possible that a firewall may be blocking ICMP, but not DNS traffic). Check to see if communication is possible between the authentication device and the Swivel server on the RADIUS port. Note: RADIUS uses UDP which is a connectionless protocol and therefore cannot be tested with tools such as Telnet.

Radius Hand Tools
Some authentication devices have RADIUS test tools built into them. Another tool is NTRadPing (Search for NTRadPing.exe) which allows testing from a Windows machine. The nc command may also be used, see below 4.

If different ports are used check that any local firewall, such as that on the appliance is not blocking the new assigned ports. If a local firewall is blocking access, the RADIUS request will be received on the ethernet interface, but will not reach the Swivel Application. RADIUS testing using nc This command is available on many Linux based systems, but also available on the Swivel appliance command line, accessed through the nc -vnzu Example: nc -vnzu 1812 For a successful connection to a Swivel RADIUS server nc -vnzu 1812 (UNKNOWN) 1812 (?) open The Swivel log will report the following: RADIUS: Access-BadPacket(0) LEN=1 PACKET DROPPED - Packet too small - 1 bytes - (minimum size 20 bytes).
From unknown NAS For a failed connection to a Swivel RADIUS server nc -vnzu 1815 (UNKNOWN) 1815 (?): Connection refused Troubleshooting NTRadPing 1.5 does not support Challenge and Response for Two Stage Authentication.