Download The Ajaxcontroltoolkit Framework3 5 Zip
AJAX Toolkit 3.5 on VS.NET 2008 RTM? ASP.NET Forums on Bytes. Download the source code and open the project in VS2008. in VS2008, open project 'AjaxControlToolkit' properties dialog, on the Application tab, there's a.

I followed the installation instructions for Ajax Control Toolkit. I came across two problems.
First, the instruction video says to Build the TemplateVSI.vsi project. When I do this, I get the error, ' Could not load file or assembly 'vjslib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d 50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. C: Program Files Microsoft ASP.NET ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions AjaxControlTool kit Templa teVSI Temp lateVSI.cs pro 57 5 TemplateVSI' I have no idea what 'vjslib' is.
The instruction video said that instead of needing to build the TemplateVSI.vsi project, one could just reference the AjaxControltoolkit.dll in the Web Project. So I created a new Web project for ASP.Net, then in the ToolBox, right click on the Control list, click on the 'Choose Items.' Submenu, then within the dialog box, Browse to the location of the AjaxToolKit.dll, select it, and press OK. I then ge the following error: ' 'There was an error loading type assembly C: ProgramFiles Microsoft ASP.NET ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions AjaxControlTool kit Binari es AjaxCon troltoolki t.dll' 'Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Extention, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral; PublicKey Token=31bf3856ad364e35 or one of its dependencies. System cannot find file specified.' How does one get the AjaxControlToolkit for.Net Framework 3.x and Web 2.0??? All these instructions begin getting contradicotry!
None of the above is the solution. Turns out that I needed to download and install JScript 'Visual J# Redistributable Package'. For all the web development tools I have, JScript was not one of them. It is required for installing Ajax Control Toolkit.
To install JScript, one also has to ensure that the MS.Net Framework 2.0 KB917882 Hotfix is applied. This is for X64 systems. This Hot fix, fixes a security issue. My machine didn't have this on. I also ensured all other Microsoft Updates are up-to-date for the OS and.NET Framework for 2.0 and 3.0. After the Hot fix is installed, install the JScript. Ensure you use the package X86 for 32 bit machines, and X64 for 64 bit machines.
Then follow the Ajax Control Tools installation. The video on is pretty good, but don't be surprised to see some minor differences that may occur as this video was created in Jan. My assistance came from the ASP.Net community.