Drag And Drop File Html5shiv

Drag And Drop File Html5shiva

Modernizr returns a false-positive for Drag and Drop in Windows-Safari v5.1.7 (latest - and now looking to be the final version!). This is not surprising, since (I am told) previous versions (v5.0.x) had functional drag & drop infrastructure (which Modernizr detects). Modernizr will not easily discover an event misfire bug (which suggests to me that a correct detection scheme may need to incorporate some url database query). Note: Safari v5.1.7 does not fire an ondrop event (instead, it tends to misfire a false ondragleave event, which almost certainly undermines any code-redeemable effort to workaround this bug. If you turn to jquery to fix one version of one browser, you may as well surrender javascript without it. I had hoped (against all hope) that Modernizr detection might enable some clever remedy, but with apple pulling support from Windows Safari (blunder, imho), I'm left wondering why the present infrastructure compels developers to support defective products; the proper remedy is a full recall of the version, and the responsibility of developers is to alert users when they are using a version of a browser with a known defect - even if that's every browser (note: should every version of every browser prove defective, demand a better specification).
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Jan 12, 2017 - In this upload example, I have explained how to implement drag and drop file upload using HTML5 and jQuery with firebase multiply file upload.