Ebook Teknik Forex Sebenar
Here's the deal. Professional traders know some things that you don't. No., right? The reason for this is that they've seen the business from the inside and you have not.

Most people start out in this business the same way. You read a book which tells you that it's possible to turn $2,000 into $20,000 in a few months or maybe even a few weeks.
Originally Posted by blueskuini. To view links or images in this forum your post count must be 1 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. Saya beli sebab malas nk ajar a-z pasal forex ni kat anak saya kalau dier 1 hari nanti teringin nk memorex sy bg jerlah ebook Khalid Hamid tu. Setiap teknik ada kelemahannya. Cuba kenal pasti dan perbaiki supaya menjadi lebih berkesan dan menguntungkan. Senarai teknik Forex yang paling best & popular. Kebanyakannya adalah strategi evergreen yang digunakan majoriti trader online dari dulu lagi. Sekiranya anda mula trading dari 2006-2007 mesti dah biasa dengar nama-nama teknik tersebut.
You can do it from the comfort of your own home. There's no overhead, no employees and no customers. All you do is click your mouse a few times and voila.you're on your way to riches galore. Then you open an account and place your first trade. You might win. You might lose.
It's irrelevant really. The important thing is that you've discovered the rush. You see it's possible. If you win, you see what it's like to make a 15% return on your money in a day. If you lose, you think that if you had just done the exact opposite of what you did, you would have made a 15% return on your money in a day.
You're hooked. The quest begins. Books, books and more books. Everyone promising the missing link. No one delivering. But you won't stop.
Because, 'damn it', there are guys out there making millions. You know there are. You've read their names in the books.
The hedge fund managers. The 'flippers' of the world. You know they're real. So what the hell do they know that you don't?
Well, for starters.Do you know that most professionals who trade large size either own or lease a seat on the exchange? This reduces their transaction costs substantially. As a matter of fact, if they do enough size, their exchange fees are almost $0. This means they only pay clearing, brokerage and NFA fees. If they're doing that much size, they can usually get in with a broker who only charges a few cents a round turn.
So a professional pays somewhere between $0.10 and $0.50 a round turn while you pay $2.00 to $3.50 a round turn or more. Imagine how much better your bottom line would be if you paid 1/4 of the commissions you currently pay.
This is not applicable to traders who are just starting out and trading a one lot but if you start doing 1000+ turns a month, it is worth your while to do a cost/benefit analyisis and look into possibly leasing a seat.Do you know that short-term movements are way less random than long-term movements? People who don't know any better will often call the intraday chop 'market noise' as though it's meaningless and there's no rhyme or reason to it.
The reality is that it's usually far easier to predict what's going to happen or not happen on an intraday basis. Short-term 'market noise' often determines long-term market trends. Apply that idea to your life in general.
Can you tell me what's going to happen in the next six minutes with a pretty high degree of accuracy? Can you then tell me what's going to happen in the next six months with that same degree of accuracy?.Do you know that most professionals don't use charts to determine their exact entry and exit points? They are usually aware of major support and resistance levels but when it comes to actually placing the trades, they typically determine their entries and exits by watching nothing more than the bids, offers, and time and sales. In other words, the orderbook (a.k.a.Do you know that many professionals rarely look at charts or may not look at them at all because they are capable of making profitable trades by only watching the DOM (depth of market) platform?.Do you know that the person who is bidding might actually be trying to sell or the person who is offering might actually be trying to buy? How is this relevant? It's relevant because as soon as that person gets his order filled at the better price, the 'fake' bid (or offer) will disappear and the market will probably move in that direction for at least a tick or two if not more.Do you know that all trading platforms are not created equal?
If you don't believe me, run a few of them side by side during the unemployment number release. If you're a scalper, having access to the best platform is critical. Yes, you will have to pay for it.
Nothing of quality is free. Many aspiring traders don't really understand what scalping is.
Ebook Teknik Forex Sebenar Blog
They have become infatuated with technical analysis and risk to reward strategies and think that scalpers are 'gangster traders' (I quote from a forum post I once read). These people are wrong. If anything, scalpers tend to be some of the most risk averse traders. There is a large amount of misinformation circulating out there in regards to scalping. There are some who think it might be a good strategy but feel it is beyond their abilities.
They prefer to remain safe in their charts and place stop losses based on past price action rather than current events. If you want to have any chance of turning small amounts of money into large amounts of money fairly quickly, you need to familiarize yourself with the idea of scalping. I explain this in more detail on the 'For Inexperienced Traders' page. If you don't know why I'm saying this, read that page in it's entirety. Scalping is probably not beyond you. It's just foreign to you.
It's a completely different way of approaching trading and it will require some time to learn. Anything worthwhile does.
But you don't have to be a rocket scientist to get it. I am not a genius. I am good at games. I knew a trader who made a million dollars trading but couldn't figure out how to work the microwave in our office. This is true. I came to find out later that he was a great chess player after he repeatedly stomped me at will. I have met successful traders who have Ph.Ds and others who are dropouts.
It does seem like good traders often tend to be good at games and puzzles as well but this is not always true. The only thing that all traders do seem to have in common is a certain mindset (or perhaps, a certain disease, depending upon one's perspective) which allows them to risk large sums of money without concern for losing it. Financial stability isn't something which concerns us. We are very aware that while we may have made money in the past, it's possible we may lose it tomorrow. There are certain safeguards one can put into place to prevent oneself from going completely broke in one day but it's usually possible to override those safeguards if one really loses one's. I know a guy who made a million and lost it.
I know another guy who made 20 million and lost a whole bunch of it. I know another guy who had several years of triple digit returns on a small fund and then put together a 100 million dollar fund and blew it all. These guys were great traders. They didn't get lucky when they made money. They understood the game and played it very well. They didn't get unlucky when they lost. They broke their own rules and started making.
trades. They stopped waiting for high probability trades and started taking shots. They started trading too much size. They started holding positions much longer than normal.
They started thinking, 'it has to come back'. I've made a lot of money trading over the years. There are guys who have made much more but I've made more than the majority of people who attempt it. I'm way ahead of the game. It wasn't due to luck. I can show you some of my strategies and give you examples of how to apply them in the real world. I can give you specifics about why they worked and explain why I feel certain movements lead to high probability trades which work more often than not.
But I offer no guarantees. I offer no magical system. You may never make a dollar trading. In fact, if you're new to the world of trading and haven't yet reached the point of no return, I advise you to quit before you start. Don't bother trying. Your odds are slim to none.
The road is not easy. It will take you a long time to become proficient just as it would at any other worthwhile endeavor. So go find another worthwhile endeavor that you might actually enjoy. If you're already hooked, then you might want to check out the No BS Day Trading basic course as well as the webinars. If you pay close attention to the information provided (and if you have the mindset for it), you can cut years off the learning curve. I've been there and done it and can show you what tends to work and what doesn't. At the very least, I can point you in the right direction and possibly keep you from wasting anymore time and money on some bullshit 'buy green, sell red' system.
There are a lot of people out there offering you the keys to the kingdom. I'm not going to specifically slam any of them but after you read through my book and watch the videos, you will probably be able to weed out the legitimate guys from the salesmen. The truth is that you don't need to buy any course to make it. The only necessary thing for you to do is to spend many, many hours in front of your computer staring at the DOM.
It's how I learned. It's how everyone learns. Bids and offers. Offers and bids. Time and sales. Market profile. No one taught me anything.
I just sat there and stared for hours and days and months. Like I said, I can help shorten your learning curve substantially but you are still going to have to put in the time. There's no way around it. Everyone wants to know why I share my strategies. It's a legitimate question. There are several answers to this. For starters, there's nothing secret about them.
What I am sharing with you is already known by every other pro in the world. I've had conversations with guys I've never met before and within two minutes the guy is talking about the very same things I'm sharing with you. We don't all trade the same way but yet, we do. I also share my strategies because people pay for trading information. There's a market for it and I'm offering my ideas to that market. The difference between me and the majority of the other guys is that I put my money where my mouth is. In the course materials I offer, I will show you real trades made in real-time with real money.
I will show you good trades that worked perfectly and explain why they worked. I will show you trades which I thought were good when I entered them but then I saw something which changed my mind and so I scratched the trade or took a small loss. I will explain why I changed my mind about those trades. I will also show you really. trades which you should not repeat and while I won't be able to explain why I decided to be an.
at that moment in time, I can tell you why the trade was. and hopefully help you avoid being an.
yourself. If I share my strategies with you and you end up becoming a hugely successful trader as a result, you're not really going to affect the market that much. You're not going to be major competition for me. Very few, if any, people who are reading this are going to go on to trade thousands of contracts. And if you do, more power to you. Glad I could be of assistance. The No BS Day Trading basic course is comprised of two things: 1) A book which describes the key components needed to consistently make money.
These are concepts you need to understand. They are critical to long-term success. I cover everything from commissions to platforms to specific strategies on how to read the orderbook. It is a good overall primer and after you read it, you will know fairly quickly whether or not scalping is for you. 2) A video which shows real trades that were made with real money. I show you winners and losers and I explain all entries and exits in detail. I explain the setups and give my opinion as to why they did or didn't work.
The No BS webinars are conducted several times a year and during these webinars, I demonstrate how I implement my strategies in real-time. Each webinar goes for approximately three weeks. I not only demonstrate and explain trades that were made during the webinar but I also answer questions from the attendees and share a large amount of general trading knowledge. The focus is on the treasury futures as this is my primary market but I do discuss scalping strategies for other markets such as the S&P, Euro, Eurostoxx, Bund/Bobl, etc. I advise new traders to concentrate on markets that have plenty of liquidity and fairly smooth movement.
I do not trade silver, gold, oil, the Dax, or any other market which is very thin. I also do not trade forex for reasons I discuss in my book. I record the webinars and the recordings are available to anyone who is not able to attend the live sessions. The majority of courses out there are for two or three days and the instructors won't even show you real trades made in real-time. Some of them are conducted over weekends.
How useless is that? I run these webinars for three weeks at a time because I feel like that's the absolute minimum amount of time a person needs in order to start understanding the idea of reading the orderbook. There is no way to convey all of the knowledge in a few days. I can't even convey it all in three weeks but it's a good start. You will see plenty of action and get a lot of inside knowledge. Plus, it gives you a feel for what it's really like on a day-in/day-out basis.
'This is what happens on slow days. This is what happens on fast days. This is what happens around numbers. This is what happens when you wait for your setup.
This is what happens when you're.' You will be hard pressed to find anything comparable to it in the world of trading education. Many of the past attendees who had absolutely no experience reading the orderbook prior to attending the webinar were starting to 'get it' by the end of the webinar. Will any of them go on to make millions?
I don't know. I certainly don't guarantee it. But all of the people who wrote me afterwards said they felt like it was well worth the time and money. So take a look around. Read the pages for experienced and inexperienced traders. Watch the sample videos. Write me if you have any questions.
I'll be happy to answer them. The goal of this site is to educate you on the real world of trading. I try to cut through the nonsense and bullshit and get down to the brass tacks. Hence the name.
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