Richard Yates Tao Lin Epub To Pdf
Download eBooks by author Tao Lin. Guaranteed best prices, direct download! Tao Lin eBooks Epub and PDF format Tao Lin eBooks. EBooks found: 7. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Poetry. Melville House, May 2014. Richard Yates. Melville House, September 2010. ISBN: 158 Format: ePub. In a startling change of direction, cult favourite Tao Lin presents a dark and brooding tale of illicit love that is his most sophisticated and mesmerising yet. Named after the real-life writer Richard Yates, but, having nothing to do with him, Lin tracks the illicit affair between a very young writer and his underage lover.
This will probably be my last post for 2010 and, if I die before 2011, my last post ever. 2010 was supposed to be a year of relative slack, where I focused on writing books more than anything else. But things happen and I found myself in the throes of one of my busiest years ever. I did a reading in March with D.
Harlan Wilson, John Edward Lawson, and Michael Arnzen, attended Mo.Con in May, Context in August, and Horrorfind in September when I had originally not planned on attending any conventions. I also founded Grindhouse Press and assisted taskmaster Gregory Seymour with editing and reading submissions for Atlatl Press. These are all books I either published, helped edit, or had released this year: (okay, this was late 2009) by Gina Ranalli by D. Harlan Wilson by Wayne Hixon by Nathaniel Lambert by me by me by me The Brothers Crunk by William Pauley III (coming soon!) I've also spent the last couple of months helping to renovate a house and just moved last weekend. With any luck, next year will be just as busy. I should have at least a book or two coming out and will definitely keep you posted as that information becomes available.
So I'm going to duck back into my hole and continue the work of 3,000 space cadets. I hope you all have a creative holiday season. Here's a list of the books I read in 2010, for creeps who are into that sort of thing: 1. How I Became a Famous Novelist by Steve Hely 2. Shoplifting from American Apparel by Tao Lin 3. The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI by Ronald Kessler (audio) 4.
Last Days by Brian Evenson 5. Depraved by Bryan Smith 6. Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson (audio) 7. Vacation by Deb Olin Unferth 8.
Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo (audio) 9. Darkness on the Edge of Town by Brian Keene 10. Grifter’s Game by Lawrence Block 11. Fade to Blonde by Max Phillips 12. The Summer I Died by Ryan C. The Sex Lives of Cannibals by J. Maarten Troost 14.
Chilly Scenes of Winter by Ann Beattie 15. Dreams in Black and White by John R. Loath Letters by Christy Stewart 17. The Mental Floss History of the World by Mental Floss 18. Nocturne by Steve Gerlach 19. Friday Night in Beast House/The Wilds by Richard Laymon 20. A Dark Matter by Peter Straub 21.
Going Monstering by Edward Lee 22. Heretics by Greg F. The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides 24.
Grundish and Askew by Lance Carbuncle 25. Hide and Seek by Jack Ketchum 26. Doom Magnetic! By William Pauley III 27.
Blaze of Glory by Weston Ochse 28. Teatro Grottesco by Thomas Ligotti 29. Hard Boiled Vampire Killers by Jim Gavin 30. Orgy of Souls by Wrath James White and Maurice Broaddus 31. The People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn (audio) 32. The Resurrectionist by Wrath James White 33. A Million Versions of Right by Matthew Revert 34.
Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis 35. The Deputy by Victor Gischler 36. House of Fallen Trees by Gina Ranalli 37. Minor Robberies by Deb Olin Unferth 38. My Heart Said No, but the Camera Crew Said Yes! By Bradley Sands 39. Horns by Joe Hill 40.
Rabid Child by Pete Risley 41. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender 42. Scott McCoy 43. Imperial Bedrooms by Bret Easton Ellis 44. The Stranger by Ronald Damian Malfi 45. Joyride by Jack Ketchum 46.
At the End of Church Street by Gregory L. King Scratch by Jordan Krall 48. Role Models by John Waters 49. They Had Goat Heads by D. Harlan Wilson 50. Vampires in Devil Town by Wayne Hixon 51.
Catching Hell by Greg F. Blockade Billy by Stephen King 53. The Complete Drive-in by Joe R. Codename Prague by D. Harlan Wilson 55.
The Horribles by Nathaniel Lambert 56. A Gathering of Crows by Brian Keene 57. The Third House by Andy Deane 58. The Black Train by Edward Lee 59. Praise the Dead by Gina Ranalli 60. The Innswich Horror by Edward Lee 61. The Shadow Over Innsmouth by H.P.
Lovecraft 62. Kutter by Jeff Strand 63. The Brothers Crunk by William Pauley III 64. An Arsonist’s Guide to Writers’ Homes in New England by Brock Clarke 65. The Horns of Evangelina by Chuck Morgue 66. The Scheme for Full Employment by Magnus Mills 67. House of Leaves by Mark Z.
Danielewski (did not finish/still kind of reading) 68. Richard Yates by Tao Lin 69. Nightmare Seasons by Charles L. Dweller by Jeff Strand 71. Glamorama by Bret Easton Ellis 72. Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn 73. The Disappearance by Bentley Little 74.
Tunneling to the Center of the Earth by Kevin Wilson 75. The 13th by John Everson 76. Museum of the Weird by Amelia Gray 77. The Cannibal’s Guide to Ethical Living by Mykle Hansen 78. Night of the Assholes by Kevin L. The Informers by Bret Easton Ellis 80. Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King.
This house has fewer bear traps and a bigger smile. I did NaNoWriMo for like 4 days and gave up. November was a terrible month to attempt this. Boring and Pointless: This Could Go On Forever (my NaNo novel) is going to continue, probably in some kind of onlne serial format. I will probably begin posting them in January. It'll be just like a weekly TV show only more boring and not as loud (I recommend listening to music really loud while reading it, to give it more of that TV feel).

If it has more than two readers, it'll probably be an annual kind of thing. I wrote the story behind the story of and posted it on Amazon as a review. Only like 2 out of a hundred people found the review helpful. It looks like Amazon has removed the review.
Because I think it highly informs the novel (If you haven't read it yet, you really should. Reading it will make you glow and give you the ability to shoot lightning bolts from your fingertips.) I'm reposting the review here. Also, while you're on Amazon, you should check out my zombie bromance,. As of this second, it's real cheap (under 8 dollars).
THE MAKING OF MY FAKE WAR I began writing My Fake War in 1978 at the suggestion of Kurt Vonnegut (RIP). We were in the library of Truman Capote’s New York apartment comparing tweed blazers. His had buttons. Mine had duct tape. Vonnegut kept making me smoke unfiltered Pall Malls and I tried to tell him that I had TB so he would stop. I told him he looked like he should be in porn and he told me I looked like a paper bag. I don’t remember much of what else happened that night but I awoke the next morning with the desire to write my magnum opus.
Actually, it would be my first book. Or my fifth or something. Things were hazy then.
I imagined it to be 1,503 pages long. I decided to take three years off for research and preparation. I divided those three years between Los Angeles, Tijuana, and Tibet.
I decided to get busy writing and then realized my lease had expired and I no longer had a home. I called my agent and harangued her until she gave me the number of J.D. Salinger’s agent. I called J.D.
Salinger’s agent and harangued him until he put me in touch with J.D. I told the agent I was a very powerful man. I told him I was the King of Datsuns. (or “Jerry”, as I called him) allowed me to stay in the basement of his New Hampshire home provided I didn’t “talk too much.” I spent a week in Jerry’s basement, writing, drinking Miller High Life, and punching myself in the mouth every time I spoke out loud. At the end of the week I had finished five pages. By this time I was feeling burned out and fatigued.
I decided to take the next twenty-eight years off. I explored the Great Ohio Desert. I was nearly consumed by an airborne toxic event. I was told this was not an exit. I moved to a modest house in posh Dayton, Ohio, and picked up where I had left off.
I decided I was too lazy to write and decided to amass a sweatshop of unemployed elderly from around the neighborhood. They were non-threatening but cranky. I put them in my basement, gave them old typewriters and told them to get to work. Most of them had arthritis. A couple of them had no hands. I was a bad recruiter. Their work ethic was poor, their ingenuity non-existent.
I told them I would do it myself. They made coffee for me while I worked for the next six months. The coffee they made was sub-par. I suspect it was instant. By the time I was finished I had my 1,503 pages. I submitted it to my editor and she suggested I “whittle it down.” She also pointed out the fact that there was no evident research and suggested I had come unhinged from reality. I laughed but was quickly consumed by a black wave of depression.
I told my sweatshop to get to whittling. They were finished sometime later and I was able to submit it to my editor under the original title: A Treatise on Porn Enthusiasm. She made me change the title and a month later it was on the New York Times Bestseller List. Raging success! So I've been wanting to post some sort of lengthy, well-written, and totally truthful report about Context, driving through New England (it was 1001 degrees), and Horrorfind. I'm not going to be able to do that for a while so watch this trailer by award-winning Albanian director Gordan K.
He's been working on this thing for ten years. When you see the end result you might think it was all shot within the same half-hour period but, I assure you, it wasn't: The main reason I'm not able to be online so much (and won't be for a while) is that we are moving. This is incredibly exciting but it means that most of my free time will be spent making the house we live in even more presentable to any potential norms that might want to buy it and making the house we'll be moving into less smelly. Until I return (and I know that you, whoever you are, will be holding your breath, unable to go about your daily routine) here are some things you should check out or just meditate upon: 's collection of insane, smart, hilarious flash fiction, is now available.
Is finally shipping! No, seriously, I had a friend email me and tell me she received it. The Horror Mall still has copies. This book is like a million dollars but it's really long and, maybe, 'ambitious.'
It also comes with a free.pdf of another really long novel called The Storm. I think I have sent out all the swag for my Slag Attack swag-a-thon (unless you live in Japan. If you live in Japan then it just went out today).

Keep being such fantastic, beautiful winners. I will be attending next weekend (August something through something). I'm not listed on their website and they were 'unable' to fit me in for a reading but I'll be there both Friday and Saturday and will mostly be in the dealers' room at the Atlatl/Grindhouse Press table, out front smoking, or at the bar across the parking lot. I'll be joined by fellow friends and authors and. Speaking of D. Harlan Wilson. He will be there debuting his latest short story collection, They Had Goat Heads, which is being released through.
If you're unable to attend the convention and would still like a signed copy, you have until Wednesday, August 25 to order it through the Atlatl Press website. You can also listen to Wilson's interview for where he talks about They Had Goat Heads, the Scikungfi Trilogy, and who he could take in arm wrestling. Grindhouse Press Book 002, Wayne Hixon's Vampires in Devil Town, is. Yes, it's a couple of weeks early. After Context, my wife and I will be driving through New England and winding up at the Horrorfind Weekend convention in Gettysburg, PA, where I'll be doing a reading (probably part of 'Corpse Mountain' from my latest Eraserhead Press book, ) and signing books with authors Jordan Krall and Eric Mays. Then I will be coming home and finishing Satanic Summer and laying out and copyediting the next Grindhouse Press book ( The Horribles by Nathaniel Lambert) so this might be my last post for a while! The reading schedule has been posted for.
I'll be reading with D. Harlan Wilson, Jordan Krall, and Eric Mays. Thanks to bang-up writer for organizing this. My fifth Eraserhead Press book, Slag Attack, is. If you order it today and send me an email at andersenprunty at yahoo dot com, I'll send you some free stuff. Besides, released quite a few other books.
Pete Risley's first book is now available from. I was lucky enough to score an advance copy of this and really liked it. I would like to have given it a longer review but time just wasn't on my side. Here's what I did have to say about it: Pete Risley’s Rabid Child is a brilliant character study of a man blighted to the core of his being, his depravity mirrored in the sad and rotting world around him. Think Dostoevsky’s Raskolnikov if he were in a John Waters film and you would have something that comes very close to Risley’s Desmond Cray. Noir in scope, situations become increasingly dire and outrageous.
If you want to find out exactly how dire and outrageous things can get, I highly recommend this book. You still have time to pre-order a signed copy of forthcoming book,. The price of many of has been reduced to anywhere between.99 and 2.99. Quick summary of things: My Fake War is. Last call for The Sorrow King.
It's headed to the printer soon. You can order a or a edition. Gina Ranalli's latest book, is now available as a trade paperback. Is now taking pre-orders for D.
Harlan Wilson's They Had Goat Heads, an excellent collection of weird, surreal, and hilarious short stories. You can also enter the. Cameron Pierce's latest book, a collection of stories called Lost in Cat Brain Land, is. Jordan Krall's latest book, King Scratch, is.
I have updated things on my. My digital-only collection, The Night the Moon Made a Sound, is available as a and for. It contains the stories 'The Night the Moon Made a Sound,' 'The Photographer,' 'The Man with the Face Like a Bruise,' and 'The Sex Beast of Scurvy Island.' If you hate the Kindle and want Morning is Dead in an EPUB version, it is also available as a.
My story, 'The Library of Trespass,' will be in the upcoming edition of Necrotic Tissue. You should go to and subscribe so you don't miss it. That's all for now. Thanks for reading! The absurd tale of an unlikely soldier forced to fight a war that, quite possibly, does not exist. Saul Dressing is a flabby middle-aged librarian who just wants to be left alone to listen to jazz, watch porn, and cultivate his toenails.
All of this changes when a soldier in a camouflage sweat suit shows up to draft him into the army of the United States of Everything. His mission is simple: go to a foreign country no one has ever heard of and incite the opposition to strike first. All alone in the middle of a desert with no enemy in sight, Saul must come to terms with the absurdity of his situation.
Thus begins a surreal journey into the politics of war, consumerism, and giant robots. It's Rambo meets Waiting for Godot in this subversive satire of American values and the scope of the human imagination. A few years ago I sent a story called 'The Gravedigger' to a guy named for an online journal called.
It was one of my favorite online publications. The story was accepted and Wilson offered to pay me the price of a martini at a local bar.
I didn't really drink martinis so I told him he could pay me with two paperclips and a Band-Aid. A week later I received an envelope with a letter congratulating me on my acceptance, along with two paperclips and a Band-Aid. I still have them somewhere. Anyway, that's just a long way of saying how cool it is that seems to be completely centered around me. So if you feel you need more of me in your life (I wouldn't recommend it) check out the latest issue and you'll find a number of flash fictions, reviews of my books, microcriticism of my author photo, a graphic version of my story, 'Napper,' by the spry and talented, and novel excerpts, including part of my upcoming book, My Fake War.
However, if you read this in it's entirety you might end up finding some version of me napping on your couch. Thanks again for D. Harlan Wilson and his unflappable assistant editor, Stanley Ashenbach, for putting this together. I'll be attending Mo.Con in Indianapolis from April 30-May 2.
Some of the other book-related types who'll be there are D. Harlan Wilson, Brian Keene, Alex McVey, Maurice Broaddus, Wrath James White, Gary Braunbeck, Lucy Snyder, Kim Paffenroth, Jason Sizemore, Alethea Kontis, Chesya Burke, Stephen C. Gilberts, Gregory Hall, and many others. Join us if you can! And coming soon!
An all-Prunty issue of The Dream People Cover art for my upcoming Eraserhead Press book, My Fake War A new logo that is not a uniLorn vomiting the words, 'Lowered Expectations'. I did a reading this past Friday at the Night and Day Cafe with Patrick Wensink.
Thanks to Patrick for setting it up and for the Night and Day for allowing us to peddle our wares, set off fireworks indoors, and sacrifice a live animal (you HAD to be there!) I thought we were going to be upstaged by the traveling donkey show continually circling the block. Also, thanks to the people who either a.) didn't have anything better to do or b.) showed up because they wanted to: Josiah and Stacy, Chris, Dan, Ry-guy and Pam, Melanie, and 50,000 other people whose names I didn't get.
Sorry you had to stand in the parking lot. Next time I'll bring my PA system and Jumbotron. And thanks to my wife for filming the evening and giggling a lot.
Here's a clip of the evening (complemented nicely by the periodic burring of coffee grinders which, let's not kid outselves, is kind of like my dream soundtrack): The story I read is called 'Reading Manko.' I think is the only place you can find it. The weekend began Friday when Mike Gibbs came over. I made him watch and told him it was possibly the best movie about writing I've seen. Even after 13 years, it's amazing how relevant it remains. Then we challenged neighbors, listened to sirens, and tried to set the yard on fire using psychic power.
Got up in the morning and drove to Celina to meet the inimitable. Wilson is eight feet tall and made of steel.
We took a 3 hour, anger-fueled trip across the wasteland of central Ohio, throwing litter out the windows and running other cars off the highway with our Road Warrior-inspired university vehicle until we reached Massillon to do our reading. It was tough getting into the bookstore, squeezing in around 5000 screaming fans, rabid for readings of fiction. It's no wonder why fiction is the most popular form of entertainment in America- trumping sports, television, video games, the internet, drinking, douchebaggery, and social networking. Began the afternoon with a reading. Why was the reading in the afternoon? So the hepped-up litmaniacs could spend the rest of the evening digesting the spectacle they were about to witness.
Some books were signed. Fights broke out. Security was deployed. Ne'er-do-wells were eliminated.
Then it was my turn to read. I suppressed my gorge and read some stupid stories. At one point, my hands were shaking so badly I had to put my papers down on the table before me. They weren't shaking because of nerves.
They were shaking because of the excited stomping and dancing of the 8000 fans. I was followed.
He rose from the floor, read his stories, got some laughs, and disappeared into the floor again, barely escaping a peglegged groupie who rushed him, claws bared. He read some poems and nearly injured himself with a swift blow to the crotch. Concluded the evening and read some incredibly funny poems/thoughts/song parodies. By this time the crowd had swelled to over 10,000. It was like Woodstock or something.
The fire marshals had to come and break it up, thus ending the fun. Everyone had a great time. Many books were sold.
Many thanks to the great folks at Backlist Books for hosting a great get-together and John and Jennifer from for helping to organize the whole thing and inviting me along. If you're in the Massillon area and would like to support small businesses run by intelligent people who are not ghoulish monsters, you should stop in and pick something up from Backlist. They have a bizarro section featuring books usually only found online. They have all of my Eraserhead Press titles as well as my two latest, and. Now here are some updates: I have signed a contract with to do an as-yet-untitled story collection to appear later this year or early next year.
Table of contents and details will follow. I will be doing a reading with, author of!, March 19th at 7 PM at the Night and Day Cafe in Dayton, Ohio (where I live). Has announced its second release.
Has announced book 001. The next issue of the great online journal, will be an all-Prunty issue. Stay tuned or, really, just try to stay awake. I will be signing some books and probably reading some stupid stories at in Massillon, Ohio, along with D. Harlan Wilson, Michael Arnzen, and John Edward Lawson this Saturday (March 6) at 3PM. If you're in the area, come join us. Is now available.
Author wants to write something somewhere because his house is filled with cobras. The publisher, Cargo Cult Press, had a change of ownership and its publication has been delayed. Delayed but not canceled.
I have no idea when it will actually be published but it's still available to order. Yes, it's expensive. I know it's expensive. The publisher knows it's expensive. Everyone in the world knows it's expensive.
My brother has determined we have genetic brain damage. We are both doing our best to cope with this recent development. Send wishes to or Paypal donations to those addresses are appreciated also. It's hard for brain damaged people to make money in this current economy and anything helps.
I will probably be doing a reading at a coffee house in Dayton with, author of Details to follow. Here are some recent blurbs for: 'Okay at best.' -Anonymous 'Loved it. If Holden Caulfield rented a timeshare in Vegas, only to find out he double booked with Hunter Thompson, and then they both sat down over a buffet of mind-altering drugs and wrote a book, I THINK it might be something like THE BEARD. BEHOLD THE POWER OF FACIAL HAIR.'
-Nathaniel Lambert, co-author of (I highly recommend this, by the way) 'This book would make an excellent introduction to the world of Bizarro fiction.' -Chris B., Goodreads '.this quirkiness can be irritating, and if it was much longer I’d undoubtedly be infuriated by how ‘whacky’ it all is.' -F.R.J., Goodreads 'It's like eating a creativity sandwich.' -Daniel Clausen, author of 'I read this book backwards.'
-Jasmine, Goodreads 'Sure to please any fan of weird fiction.' -Grant Wamack 'I can't help feeling cheated by its shallowness.' -Tortla, Goodreads 'I loved this book. I loved its feel, its pace, and its imagery.' -Lucas Thorn, 'I have no time to waste on books that seem a chore to get through. Absolutely not recommended.' -K.G., Amazon Reviewer.
Was the first book I had accepted (and actually make it to publication) by a publisher (Eraserhead Press) who wasn't me. February 3 marks its 2 year anniversary. Here's a story from the collection: Vagina A very lonely man orders an imitation vagina from a catalogue. He sits down on the couch and waits for it. A couple hours later, he hears a sound from the porch. Opening his front door, he sees someone has left a large box for him-it’s roughly as large as he is.
He drags the box inside and hastily tears it open. Instead of his fake vagina, he finds a woman curled up in the box, sleeping. At first he thinks maybe it’s just some kind of lifelike sex doll but he can see it breathing.
Bending down, he shakes her shoulder. “Uh, Miss?” he says. Startled, she rolls over and looks at him.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she says. She is dressed enticingly in a very short skirt and clinging t-shirt. “Well, I guess you know why I’m here,” she says.
“Actually, I’m a little confused. I think maybe they screwed up my order.” He checks the box for an invoice but doesn’t see one. His address isn’t even on the box. Curious, he thinks.
“I guess you can spend your time thinking about it or we can go upstairs and you can put me to use.” “I would definitely like that,” the man says. He can’t believe his good fortune. He wonders if the girl is planning on staying, if she really is his.
They go upstairs and, after a few moments, the man gasps in frustrated confusion. He kneels between the girl’s legs, staring down at the complete absence of sex.
Like a doll, she is entirely hairless and smooth. He looks up at the girl to meet her embarrassed stare. “I’m so sorry,” she says. “It was there a few days ago, I promise.” “Unlikely,” the man says. “There are other things I can do,” she says.
“It’s not the same,” the man dresses and retreats downstairs, pouting. The girl comes downstairs moments later, fully dressed. “I guess I should go, huh?” The man, angry, wants to tell her to get out but, after thinking about it, realizes he is very lonely and, indeed, there are other things the girl can do. Things that would have to be better than using an imitation vagina. “Why don’t you stick around?” he says.
So the girl sticks around for a few days and they perform every sexual act imaginable save the most obvious one. The man is happy and exhausted but, alas, he has to go back to work. Coming home from from work one day, he discovers the mailman delivering the mail. One of the parcels he crams in the mailbox is the vagina. It is without an envelope and looks slightly used. The mailman, unable to meet the man’s gaze, looks at the ground and quickly walks to the next house. The man takes the vagina into the house and gives it a thorough washing.
Then he puts it in a box and wraps it. That night, with the girl waiting in bed, waiting for their marathon non-vaginal sex to begin, the man presents her with his present. “For me?” she asks.
“Of course,” the man says, eager to see her look of surprise when she opens the box. Once opened, a look of horror crosses the girl’s face. “I guess you want me to put this on,” she says. “Then you’ll be complete.” The girl crosses to the bathroom and comes out with the vagina attached. It is slightly ill-fitting but the man doesn’t really mind. After that night’s sex, the man rolls off the girl and lights a cigarette.
“Fantastic,” he says. The girl pretends to fall asleep. The next morning the man wakes up and discovers that he is alone with the vagina. He looks all around the house but he can’t find the girl.
He even calls the catalogue company and asks about her but they treat him like he’s nuts. He looks at the vagina and finds it sad and lonely.
He places it on the front porch hoping the girl will return to claim it. Rautenbaumgrabner’s (that can’t be a real name) book made me happy to read small press books because I don’t know that one would find something like this in the mainstream. This is a gem of a short story collection. It contains a number of noirish tales of extreme violence and crimes gone bad, but it also contains a number of stories more reminiscent of Charles Bukowski than Jim Thompson. The characters in As I Was Cutting and Other Nastinesses are beaten down and hellbent on tearing their way through the bottom by any means necessary. In the story “Little Timmy’s Last Heist,” a couple poison their child with bad fish to help pull off a drugstore heist. In “Hammerin’ Hiram,” two exploitation film enthusiasts meet, have a week or so of intense sex, and then decide the only thing left to do together is murder someone.
In the title story, a man kills his dog to save his marriage and, realizing he might be too late, resorts to an equally extreme measure. There is a also a healthy dose of absurdity to the stories in this collection. “An Anvil Chorus Followed by An Equine Aria,” features a man assaulted by falling anvils. In “A Mind Excessively Deferential to Received Ideas,” a mysterious character named Uncle Juan invites his family into the bathroom to observe his latest bowel movement. In “The Ice Cream Truck Plays That Tune No More,” an ice cream truck driver begins pimping out his girlfriend using the ice cream truck as a kind of mobile advertisement to troll for johns. Not all of the stories work, but most story collections subject themselves to this kind of subjectivity. For me, it was one story that was basically a screenplay (“Wheel Me Over to the Next Rabbit”), and a couple others that were very short character monologues.
What makes this a really strong collection is its eclecticism and Rautenbaumgrabner’s excellent sense of language. He breathes life into the sometimes worn out genre of sleaze. This book will not make you feel any better about life. In fact, it’ll probably make you look at your neighbors a little more closely. But it’s entertaining from beginning to end.
These stories are never boring and some of them are genuinely shocking. I've been keeping a list of the books I read for about the past 3 years now. There were way too many good books to boil it down to a top 10 list. I've put an asterisk next to ones I particularly enjoyed. Number 111 is also, curiously, missing. I probably blacked out for a week or something.
Salmonella Man on Planet Porno by Yasutaka Tsutsui. 2. Population Zero by Wrath James White.
3. Apeshit by Carlton Mellick III. 4. Hero by Wrath James White and J.F. Eyeheart Everything by Mykle Hansen.
6. Hunting Zoe by Steve Gerlach 7. Different Seasons by Trever Palmer 8. Gun Work by David J.
Severance Package by Duane Swiercynski 10. The Dog of the Marriage by Amy Hempel 11. The Last Call of Mourning by Charles L. Jake’s Wake by John Skipp and Cody Goodfellow. 13.
Transmetropolitan Volume 1 by Warren Ellis. 14. The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolano 15. Midnight Blues- Brian Knight 16. Passenger- Ronald Damien Malfi.
17.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- Tao Lin 18. Saying Uncle- Greg F. Bed by Tao Lin 20.
Bloodstone by Nate Kenyon 21. The Dead Fish Museum by Charles D’Ambrosio 22. Castaways by Brian Keene 23. Summer of Night by Dan Simmons.
24. A Winter Haunting by Dan Simmons 25. Transmetropolitan Vol. 2 by Warren Ellis. 26. Jenna Sighed by Michael McBride 27. Children of Chaos by Greg F.
Post Office by Charles Bukowski. 29. Discarded Blessings by James A.
Judas Goat by Greg F. Gun Monkeys by Victor Gischler 32. New Dark Voices 2 by Brian Keene (ed.) 33. Injustice by Steve Gerlach 34. The Egg Man by Carlton Mellick III 35.
Remains by Michael McBride 36. Shackled by Ray Garton 37. Clown Girl by Monica Drake 38. Amber Rising by Steve Gerlach 39. Rant by Chuck Palahniuk (audio).
40. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (audio) 41. 2666 by Robert Bolano. 42. The Damned by William Ollie 43.
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson (audio) 44. Love Lies Dying by Steve Gerlach 45. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (audio). 46. Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll (audio) 47. Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (audio) 48.
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James (audio) 49. The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers (audio) 50. Sky Tongues by Gina Ranalli 51.
Unhappy Endings by Brian Keene 52. The Golem by Edward Lee 53.
The Faggiest Vampire by Carlton Mellick III. 54. Shatnerquake by Jeff Burk 55. Bust by Ken Bruen and Jason Starr 56.
Watchmen by Alan Moore 57. The Max by Ken Bruen and Jason Starr 58. The Restraint of Beasts by Magnus Mills. 59. Kockroach by Tyler Knox 60. Washer Mouth by Kevin L. Benjamin’s Parasite by Jeff Strand.
62. All Heads Turn as the Hunt Goes By by John Farris 63. Cover by Jack Ketchum 64. Miranda by John R. Redemption Roadshow by Weston Ochse 66. The Ark Sakura by Kobo Abe 67. Pressure by Jeff Strand.
68. Reservoir Gods by Brian Knight 69. My Work is Not Yet Done by Thomas Ligotti. 70. Don of the Dead by Nick Cato. 71.
Up in Honey’s Room by Elmore Leonard (audio) 72. The Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster (audio).
73. Moby Dick by Herman Melville (audio) 74. Blood in Electric Blue by Greg Gifune 75.
The Shore by Robert Dunbar 76. A Laymon Kind of Night by Mark Allan Gunnells 77. Swarm of Flying Eyeballs by Gina Ranalli 78. Savage Night by Jim Thompson 79. The Reach by Nate Kenyon 80. The Bone Factory by Nate Kenyon 81.
Sacrifice by John Everson 82. Vendetta by James A. The Possibility of an Island by Michel Houllebecq 84. The Girl on the Refrigerator by Etger Keret 85. Urban Gothic by Brian Keene 86. Far Dark Fields by Gary Braunbeck 87.
Lake Mountain by Steve Gerlach 88. The Nocturne by Steve Gerlach 89. The Quick Red Fox by John D. MacDonald 90. Dark Hearts by Brain Keene and Cassandra Keene 91. Quake by Richard Laymon 92. Ghost Soldiers by James Tate.
93. 1852 by Edward Lee. 94. Half-Sick of Shadows by Graham Masterton. 95. The Severed Nose by Jeff Strand.
96. A Deadly Shade of Gold by John D. MacDonald 97.
Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon (audio) 98. Peckinpah by D. Harlan Wilson. 99.
Tao Lin
Light Boxes by Shane Jones. 100. Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens #7 Edited by Bradley Sands 101. Vampires a Go-Go by Victor Gischler 102 Conversations with My Hair by Russell Bradbury Carlin(audio) 103.
Sideshow P.I.: The Devil’s Garden by Nathaniel Lambert and Kevin Sweeney. 104. Bmw e46 compact betriebsanleitung pdf to excel. Enchanted Night by Steven Millhauser.
105. Flesh by Richard Laymon 106. Infected by Scott Sigler (audio) 107.
Scarecrow Gods by Weston Ochse. 108.
House of Fallen Trees by Gina Ranalli. 109. Lunar Park by Bret Easton Ellis (audio). 110.
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (audio) 112. After the Quake by Haruki Murakami (audio).
Tao Lin Gawker
113. Carmilla by Sherida LeFanu (audio) 114. His Father’s Son by Bentley Little. 115. Mama Fish by Rio Youers. 116.
The Death of Bunny Munro by Nick Cave. 117. The Girl in the Woods by David Jack Bell 118.
Boons/The Camp by David Ohle. 119. Kingdom of Shadows by Greg F. Fistful of Feet by Jordan Krall. 121. Lexical Funk by Daniel Clausen 122. The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty (audio).
123. A Girl Named Zippy by Haven Kimmel (audio) 124. Last Night in Twisted River by John Irving. 125. Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon (audio) -Still haven't finished listening to this yet.

Under the Dome by Stephen King. 127. The Cyesologniac by Edward Lee 128.
Black Butterflies by Kurt Newton 129. Eee Eeee Eee by Tao Lin. 130. As I Was Cutting by L.V. Rautenbaumgrabner.
131. Broken Skin by Nate Southard 132.
Stories in the Worst Way- Gary Lutz 133. AM/PM by Amelia Gray. 134. Devil’s Marionette by Maurice Broaddus. So I've taken the past month or so off from writing. It's not anything resembling writer's block. I've never had a shortage of ideas and realize it's just a matter of sitting down and doing it.
A couple of years ago I was just trying to find a publisher. That happened (I found a few) and it made me extremely happy. Then it was up to me to find readers. I tried pretty much everything I could imagine. Maybe I'm just not that imaginative when it comes to reaching potential readers.
That's one of the difficult things about writing. It's a solitary endeavor.
I'm a fairly solitary person and it took a lot of time and energy to try and sell my books to people. My first book appeared in February of 2008, nearly 2 years ago. Looking at sales of my books over those two years is one of the most depressing things I do. It could be a lot worse and I'm extremely grateful for every book sold, but it doesn't justify the amount of time and money I've put into it.
Yet, starting a new year, I'm looking forward to sitting down and writing again. I'm not doing it for sales.
Sales mean a lot to publishers. It actually means a lot to me too. I would love it if my books sold extremely well. But that can't be the reason I write. I've never worked with a large corporate publisher where sales are the 'bottom line.' I think I'm grateful for that. I've also never written something and thought, 'Oh boy, this is going to sell really well.'
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I write books I would want to read. That's my only criterion. If I wouldn't want to read it, it gets scrapped.
When I think about why I write I can't really find an answer that makes sense and I'm okay with that. The world is a vast and nebulous place and, often times, answers only make things less interesting and less dynamic. Focusing on sales and 'networking' makes writing a lot like work. If I didn't already have a job that took up 40-plus hours a week and a wife and children I enjoy spending time with, I would have no problem with this aspect of it. While writing is one of the most important things to me, it's the last thing I do. Meaning, if my obsession with the business end of writing bleeds over into all the other things I do, something is out of balance.
If, one day, writing turns out to pay better than my day job then I can justify spending more time on it. I have to work a day job to put food on the table and pay bills. I write for myself. It makes me happy. That's the best reason I can think of. Sometimes it makes other people happy, too.
I received this email a couple of days after Christmas and, even though it's brief, it put a lot of things into perspective: 'I've recently been introduced to the Bizarro book genre and my roommate gave me The Beard as my Christmas present. It was pretty much the best present ever and you are now one of my favorite authors. I wish I had the genius to think of writing about a beard before you. I particularly enjoy your style of writing because you manage to balance the strange and random with a comprehensible plot that moves along well. I will probably be reading all of your other books. Thank you for brightening my otherwise depressing Christmas with a good book. A few days before that, I received a highly entertaining review from writer Jim Gavin.
You can read it on. So while I write for myself, knowing that it reaches other readers and, for whatever reason, means enough to them to take time out from their day to write something about it is an even bigger bonus.
It makes it less solitary. It adds depth and reality and meaning to all those quiet nights spent scribbling in a notebook.
This blog has become a dismal place. When I look over the entries from the past year or so, it reeks of desperation and salesmanship.
The time I've spent befriending people on Goodreads and Facebook, et. Is probably embarrassing. I can justify it by thinking it's just a relatively new author excited about being published and, really, if I don't tell you about my book, who will? Because it's not like the small press has any PR fleets or anything.
But I have to prioritize things. I don't have the time to try and sell you shit and you're tired of having shit sold to you. So other than the occasional book announcement (hopefully), there won't be any of that this year. Maybe some free fiction and half-witted musings on things but, other than that, I'm going to go back to 1. Living my life and 2.
In the end, those are the only things I really know how to do. Happy New Year and thanks for sticking around.