Tacx Genius Software For Mac
I’m itchin to get a VR trainer to enhance my 2013 indoor training, and have been deferring purchase awaiting your Genius review since you posted it in the Queue in December. I really feel the Computrainer software sucks big wind, and mentally think I’d want the Genius. But your reviews are so wonderfully specific & insightful that I’m anxious to read your analysis before pullin a trigger for one or the other. With money burning a hole in my pocket, and the days of January ticking by, I thought I’d drop a nite to see if your review of the Genius — now past-due from your original goal;-) — is on its way Real Soon Now(tm).?? I have and used the taxc bushido trainer for 2 years. I use it with the tacx training software. I thought I would use the trainer to ride famous courses or videos or even create my own courses.
I ended up not doing any of that. I simply ride the trainer in “catalyst” mode which means I simply measure my power and duration. I record and see hear rate, cadence and an estimate for speed (which I think is too high). I can increase the resistance by pressing the up button on my PC to make the slope (resistance higher). This comes in handy for simulated hill workouts. Overall I like it very much and can save my data and upload to trainingpeaks automatically.
Important notice: To use the Utility app for Android 1. Turn off all apps running in the background 2. Turn off Bluetooth and then turn it on again 3. Then start the Utility app This is done to ensure the phone can properly connect to your trainer and send the firmware without other applications interfering. Firmware update for: - Bushido Smart (T2780) - Vortex Smart (T2180) - NEO Smart (T2800.
I also save my workout (called training score) as an hrm file and analyze it in golden cheetah (ver 3 beta) or ver 2. To see how good (or bad) my avg watts were on my intervals. One piece of information I will post to help others.
I have the Tacx Bushido (similar to Genius) and have had a very frustrating item occur over the past two years that I just got solved with the help of many folks including tacx support (which is quite good). I faced a very common issue where my PC (using the tacx trainer software 4.5 – aka tts 4.5) would loose connectivity with the “brake” and hence you would loose all ability to record data for the rest of your workout. In summary I had to follow these tips and ensure all power saving features were turned off on the laptop (esp. Video and usb port) and I had to replace the ANT stick I received from tacx with one from garmin as you need ANT2. Or one from Suunto Movestick Mini would work fine. If I did not swap out the ANT stick w/ the garmin one after 1 hour and 50 minutes I would always loose my data.

Genius Accounting Software

The PC data would freeze on the current heart rate and watts. Here is info I got from TACX support confirming that I had ANT1 and not ANT2 stick from tacx “There i an number on it T1991 = ANT1 T2018 = ANT2” James Stroud.
Function Advanced Basic Virtual worlds Cycling against max. Compatibility The Tacx trainer software is compatible with interactive trainers that communicate using ANT+:. Tacx Smart trainers. with: NEO Smart, FLUX Smart, Genius Smart, Bushido Smart, Vortex Smart, Flow Smart. Tacx ANT+ trainers: i-Genius, i-Genius Multiplayer, Genius Multiplayer & i-Vortex.
Vortex and Bushido with. ANT+ trainers from third parties. You need an ANT+ antenna for a standard USB port to connect the trainer to your computer. Do you have a Tacx Smart Trainer or a third-party ANT+ trainer? Then you will find everything you need to train with the TTS, including the software, in the.

System requirements Tacx PC Test program Download and install the Tacx PC Test program to find out whether your PC is suitable for the Tacx Trainer software. The Test program will only work if the PC has an Internet connection. Press Start and follow the program instructions.
The result takes the minimum and recommended system requirements into account. Recommended system requirements Processor Intel i7 Minimum memory 8 GB Free hard disk space 20 GB Video card ATI/AMD/ Nvidia compatible – 1 GB Miscellaneous 1 free USB port Operating system Windows 10 Minimum system requirements Processor Intel i3 processor or AMD equivalent Minimum memory 4 GB Free hard disk space 15 GB Video card ATI/AMD/ Nvidia compatible – 512 GB Intel chipset x: no Virtual Reality. Miscellaneous 1 free USB port Operating system Windows 7 Note: The Tacx Trainer software 4 works on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. The software is not compatible with Apple OSX, Windows XP and lower.
The green T1902 i-Magic interface is not compatible with the Tacx Trainer software 4. These riders can purchase the T1925 Upgrade i-Flow.