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Windows 7 Download periodically updates pricing and information of MessageSave for Microsoft Outlook free download from the publisher, but some information may be out-of-date. Using cracks, warez serial numbers, registration codes or keygens for MessageSave for Microsoft Outlook license key is illegal.
MessageSave benefits. Backup, save and archive Outlook e-mail messages to hard disk, network drive, SharePoint.
Save Outlook email messages, including attachments, as individual files. Organize messages in file system folders for easy access, sharing and filing. Keep email message together with other related documents. Institute consistent email archiving and storage policy in your organization. Store messages for legal compliance. Keep audit trail of email messages.
Search inside of saved messages and attachments with Windows Search. Reduce mailbox/PST size. Offload Exchange storage. Map Outlook folders and automatically save messages using Scheduler (AutoSave). Process Outlook messages with custom scripts. You can achieve all of the above benefits without having to maintain a complex, expensive server-based solution. MessageSave integrates directly with Outlook for simplicity and ease-of-use, while providing flexibility and a level of customization required by power-users and enterprise IT administrators.
Detailed Feature Matrix Feature Standard Pro Ultimate Integrated with Outlook for one-click access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Highly optimized for speed and size. ✔ ✔ ✔ Preserve email timestamp and other metadata on saved files.
✔ ✔ ✔ Works on sent and received messages. ✔ ✔ ✔ Works on individual Exchange mailboxes, PSTs, Public Folders and Office 365.
MessageSave For Microsoft Outlook
✔ ✔ ✔ Save to local disk, network drive, or SharePoint. ✔ ✔ ✔ Save selected messages or entire folder with subfolders. ✔ ✔ ✔ QuickSave - one-click saving. ✔ ✔ Map Outlook folders to automatically save messages (AutoSave and Scheduler).
✔ ✔ Save messages in MSG, TXT, EML and HTML Format. (Attachments are included in the same file as the message in MSG format).
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✔ ✔ ✔ Save messages in PDF format. ✔ ✔ Compatible with Windows Search for easy searching and retrieval of saved messages. ✔ ✔ ✔ Pre-select destination folders based on the save history.
✔ ✔ ✔ QuickPick - fast type-ahead folder selection. ✔ Centrally preconfigure destination folders for your users. ✔ Simple file naming.
Append sender/recipient names, message date/time to file names. ✔ ✔ ✔ Fully customizable file/folder naming to match your organization standards and conventions. (File and Subfolder naming templates). ✔ ✔ Use custom field in file/folder naming. ✔ ✔ Multiple configuration profiles. ✔ ✔ Export/Import configuration manually. ✔ ✔ Centralized large-scale deployment and administration.
✔ ✔ Centrally manage folder mappings, profiles and QuickPick locations. ✔ Import MSG files back into Outlook, maintaining folder structure. ✔ Execute custom scripts on saved messages. ✔ Support and maintenance for the first year is included in the license fee. MessageSave is a brilliant app! It allows our divorce mediation office to instantly save to client files (on our network server) important Outlook e-mail messages.

We have found other applications designed for law offices to be unnecessarily resource intense, complex and unwieldy, and we soon abandoned them after trial usage. With a right-click to MessageSave, a 'Save To' option appears. A single keystroke of the companion program allows typing the first few letters of a client name, and pointing to the associated file in the Save To option.
The Outlook e-mail is archived and work flow continues. Truly, one of the most useful and fairly priced applications I've encountered. Highly recommended!
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